Month: February 2020

Love, Bach

person playing stringed instrument

Photo by Quentin Ecrepont on

This is absolutely perfect.

The world needs to have this. If this doesn’t evoke some sort of emotion in you, I don’t know what will.

I like music. Perhaps, maybe I love music. I am not sure. There is something about it that goes into every fiber of me. No, I am not the dancing kind and yet at times it makes me want to dance. It can, at times, bring tears to my eyes. It speaks for me, when sometimes I don’t know what I want to say. It’s a mystery and yet I think we all can relate.

Nearly everyone has a specific genre they like more than others. Unlike may people, I enjoy a rather wide range of genres and my iTunes library reflects that. I don’t like everything, let’s be clear about that. Not all music is good music. Plain and simple.

When I saw this video I knew I just had to share. It is an obviously well known classical piece that is recognizable even if you don’t know it’s name or who it is by. It’s been used in TV commercials, movies, tv shows, and in theater. BUT, the part that stood out for me this time was how it was broken down, “deconstructed,” and demonstrated in a way that lets you feel the music. It’s moving, and if you haven’t seen this you need to.

You can thank me later.